Anoncreds Design

Here you can find the requirements and design for Indy SDK Anoncreds workflow (including revocation).

Design Goals

  • Indy SDK and Indy Node should use the same format for public Anoncreds entities (Schema, Credential Definition, Revocation Registry Definition, Revocation Registry Delta)
  • Indy SDK and Indy Node should use the same entities referencing approach
  • It should be possible to integrate additional credential signature and revocation schemas without breaking API changes
  • API should provide flexible and pluggable approach to handle revocation tails files
  • API should provide the way to calculate revocation witness values on cloud agent to avoid downloading of the hole tails file on edge devices

Anoncreds Workflow



/// Create credential schema entity that describes credential attributes list and allows credentials
/// interoperability.
/// Schema is public and intended to be shared with all anoncreds workflow actors usually by publishing SCHEMA transaction
/// to Indy distributed ledger.
/// It is IMPORTANT for current version POST Schema in Ledger and after that GET it from Ledger
/// with correct seq_no to save compatibility with Ledger.
/// After that can call indy_issuer_create_and_store_credential_def to build corresponding Credential Definition.
/// #Params
/// command_handle: command handle to map callback to user context
/// issuer_did: DID of schema issuer
/// name: a name the schema
/// version: a version of the schema
/// attrs: a list of schema attributes descriptions
/// cb: Callback that takes command result as parameter
/// #Returns
/// schema_id: identifier of created schema
/// schema_json: schema as json
/// #Errors
/// Common*
/// Anoncreds*
pub extern fn indy_issuer_create_schema(command_handle: i32,
                                        issuer_did: *const c_char,
                                        name: *const c_char,
                                        version: *const c_char,
                                        attrs: *const c_char,
                                        cb: Option<extern fn(xcommand_handle: i32, err: ErrorCode,
                                                             schema_id: *const c_char, schema_json: *const c_char)>) -> ErrorCode
/// Create credential definition entity that encapsulates credentials issuer DID, credential schema, secrets used for signing credentials
/// and secrets used for credentials revocation.
/// Credential definition entity contains private and public parts. Private part will be stored in the wallet. Public part
/// will be returned as json intended to be shared with all anoncreds workflow actors usually by publishing CRED_DEF transaction
/// to Indy distributed ledger.
/// It is IMPORTANT for current version GET Schema from Ledger with correct seq_no to save compatibility with Ledger.
/// #Params
/// wallet_handle: wallet handler (created by open_wallet).
/// command_handle: command handle to map callback to user context.
/// issuer_did: a DID of the issuer signing cred_def transaction to the Ledger
/// schema_json: credential schema as a json
/// tag: allows to distinct between credential definitions for the same issuer and schema
/// signature_type: credential definition type (optional, 'CL' by default) that defines credentials signature and revocation math. Supported types are:
/// - 'CL': Camenisch-Lysyanskaya credential signature type
/// config_json: type-specific configuration of credential definition as json:
/// - 'CL':
///   - support_revocation: whether to request non-revocation credential (optional, default false)
/// cb: Callback that takes command result as parameter.
/// #Returns
/// cred_def_id: identifier of created credential definition
/// cred_def_json: public part of created credential definition
/// #Errors
/// Common*
/// Wallet*
/// Anoncreds*
pub extern fn indy_issuer_create_and_store_credential_def(command_handle: i32,
                                                          wallet_handle: i32,
                                                          issuer_did: *const c_char,
                                                          schema_json: *const c_char,
                                                          tag: *const c_char,
                                                          signature_type: *const c_char,
                                                          config_json: *const c_char,
                                                          cb: Option<extern fn(xcommand_handle: i32, err: ErrorCode,
                                                                               cred_def_id: *const c_char,
                                                                               cred_def_json: *const c_char)>) -> ErrorCode
/// Create a new revocation registry for the given credential definition as tuple of entities:
/// - Revocation registry definition that encapsulates credentials definition reference, revocation type specific configuration and
///   secrets used for credentials revocation
/// - Revocation registry state that stores the information about revoked entities in a non-disclosing way. The state can be
///   represented as ordered list of revocation registry entries were each entry represents the list of revocation or issuance operations.
/// Revocation registry definition entity contains private and public parts. Private part will be stored in the wallet. Public part
/// will be returned as json intended to be shared with all anoncreds workflow actors usually by publishing REVOC_REG_DEF transaction
/// to Indy distributed ledger.
/// Revocation registry state is stored on the wallet and also intended to be shared as the ordered list of REVOC_REG_ENTRY transactions.
/// This call initializes the state in the wallet and returns the initial entry.
/// Some revocation registry types (for example, 'CL_ACCUM') can require generation of binary blob called tails used to hide information about revoked credentials in public
/// revocation registry and intended to be distributed out of leger (REVOC_REG_DEF transaction will still contain uri and hash of tails).
/// This call requires access to pre-configured blob storage writer instance handle that will allow to write generated tails.
/// #Params
/// wallet_handle: wallet handler (created by open_wallet).
/// command_handle: command handle to map callback to user context.
/// issuer_did: a DID of the issuer signing transaction to the Ledger
/// revoc_def_type: revocation registry type (optional, default value depends on credential definition type). Supported types are:
/// - 'CL_ACCUM': Type-3 pairing based accumulator. Default for 'CL' credential definition type
/// tag: allows to distinct between revocation registries for the same issuer and credential definition
/// cred_def_id: id of stored in ledger credential definition
/// config_json: type-specific configuration of revocation registry as json:
/// - 'CL_ACCUM': {
///     "issuance_type": (optional) type of issuance. Currently supported:
///         1) ISSUANCE_BY_DEFAULT: all indices are assumed to be issued and initial accumulator is calculated over all indices;
///            Revocation Registry is updated only during revocation.
///         2) ISSUANCE_ON_DEMAND: nothing is issued initially accumulator is 1 (used by default);
///     "max_cred_num": maximum number of credentials the new registry can process (optional, default 100000)
/// }
/// tails_writer_handle: handle of blob storage to store tails
/// cb: Callback that takes command result as parameter.
/// #Returns
/// revoc_reg_id: identifier of created revocation registry definition
/// revoc_reg_def_json: public part of revocation registry definition
/// revoc_reg_entry_json: revocation registry entry that defines initial state of revocation registry
/// #Errors
/// Common*
/// Wallet*
/// Anoncreds*
pub extern fn indy_issuer_create_and_store_revoc_reg(command_handle: i32,
                                                     wallet_handle: i32,
                                                     blob_storage_writer_handle: i32,
                                                     cred_def_id:  *const c_char,
                                                     tag: *const c_char,
                                                     revoc_def_type: *const c_char,
                                                     config_json: *const c_char,
                                                     cb: Option<extern fn(xcommand_handle: i32, err: ErrorCode,
                                                                          revoc_reg_def_id: *const c_char,
                                                                          revoc_reg_def_json: *const c_char,
                                                                          revoc_reg_entry_json: *const c_char)>) -> ErrorCode
/// Create credential offer that will be used by Prover for
/// credential request creation. Offer includes nonce and key correctness proof
/// for authentication between protocol steps and integrity checking.
/// #Params
/// command_handle: command handle to map callback to user context
/// wallet_handle: wallet handler (created by open_wallet)
/// cred_def_id: id of credential definition stored in the wallet
/// cb: Callback that takes command result as parameter
/// #Returns
/// credential offer json:
///     {
///         "schema_id": string,
///         "cred_def_id": string,
///         // Fields below can depend on Cred Def type
///         "nonce": string,
///         "key_correctness_proof" : <key_correctness_proof>
///     }
/// #Errors
/// Common*
/// Wallet*
/// Anoncreds*
pub extern fn indy_issuer_create_credential_offer(command_handle: i32,
                                                  wallet_handle: i32,
                                                  cred_def_id: *const c_char,
                                                  cb: Option<extern fn(xcommand_handle: i32, err: ErrorCode,
                                                                       cred_offer_json: *const c_char)>) -> ErrorCode
/// Check Cred Request for the given Cred Offer and issue Credential for the given Cred Request.
/// Cred Request must match Cred Offer. The credential definition and revocation registry definition
/// referenced in Cred Offer and Cred Request must be already created and stored into the wallet.
/// Information for this credential revocation will be store in the wallet as part of revocation registry under
/// generated cred_revoc_id local for this wallet.
/// This call returns revoc registry delta as json file intended to be shared as REVOC_REG_ENTRY transaction.
/// Note that it is possible to accumulate deltas to reduce ledger load.
/// #Params
/// wallet_handle: wallet handler (created by open_wallet).
/// command_handle: command handle to map callback to user context.
/// cred_offer_json: a cred offer created by indy_issuer_create_credential_offer
/// cred_req_json: a credential request created by indy_prover_create_credential_req
/// cred_values_json: a credential containing attribute values for each of requested attribute names.
///     Example:
///     {
///      "attr1" : {"raw": "value1", "encoded": "value1_as_int" },
///      "attr2" : {"raw": "value1", "encoded": "value1_as_int" }
///     }
/// rev_reg_id: id of revocation registry stored in the wallet
/// blob_storage_reader_handle: configuration of blob storage reader handle that will allow to read revocation tails
/// cb: Callback that takes command result as parameter.
/// #Returns
/// cred_json: Credential json containing signed credential values
///     {
///         "schema_id": string,
///         "cred_def_id": string,
///         "rev_reg_def_id", Optional<string>,
///         "values": <see cred_values_json above>,
///         // Fields below can depend on Cred Def type
///         "signature": <signature>,
///         "signature_correctness_proof": <signature_correctness_proof>
///     }
/// cred_revoc_id: local id for revocation info (Can be used for revocation of this credential)
/// revoc_reg_delta_json: Revocation registry delta json with a newly issued credential
/// #Errors
/// Annoncreds*
/// Common*
/// Wallet*
pub extern fn indy_issuer_create_credential(command_handle: i32,
                                            wallet_handle: i32,
                                            cred_offer_json: *const c_char,
                                            cred_req_json: *const c_char,
                                            cred_values_json: *const c_char,
                                            rev_reg_id: *const c_char,
                                            blob_storage_reader_handle: i32,
                                            cb: Option<extern fn(xcommand_handle: i32, err: ErrorCode,
                                                                 cred_revoc_id: *const c_char,
                                                                 revoc_reg_delta_json: *const c_char,
                                                                 cred_json: *const c_char)>) -> ErrorCode
/// Revoke a credential identified by a cred_revoc_id (returned by indy_issuer_create_credential).
/// The corresponding credential definition and revocation registry must be already
/// created an stored into the wallet.
/// This call returns revoc registry delta as json file intended to be shared as REVOC_REG_ENTRY transaction.
/// Note that it is possible to accumulate deltas to reduce ledger load.
/// #Params
/// command_handle: command handle to map callback to user context.
/// wallet_handle: wallet handler (created by open_wallet).
/// blob_storage_reader_cfg_handle: configuration of blob storage reader handle that will allow to read revocation tails
/// rev_reg_id: id of revocation registry stored in wallet
/// cred_revoc_id: local id for revocation info
/// cb: Callback that takes command result as parameter.
/// #Returns
/// revoc_reg_delta_json: Revocation registry delta json with a revoked credential
/// #Errors
/// Annoncreds*
/// Common*
/// Wallet*
pub extern fn indy_issuer_revoke_cred(command_handle: i32,
                                      wallet_handle: i32,
                                      blob_storage_reader_handle: i32,
                                      cred_revoc_id: *const c_char,
                                      cb: Option<extern fn(xcommand_handle: i32, err: ErrorCode,
                                                           revoc_reg_delta_json: *const c_char)>) -> ErrorCode
/// Merge two revocation registry deltas (returned by indy_issuer_create_credential or indy_issuer_revoke_credential) to accumulate common delta.
/// Send common delta to ledger to reduce the load.
/// #Params
/// command_handle: command handle to map callback to user context.
/// rev_reg_delta_json: revocation registry delta.
/// other_rev_reg_delta_json: revocation registry delta for which PrevAccum value  is equal to current accum value of rev_reg_delta_json.
/// cb: Callback that takes command result as parameter.
/// #Returns
/// merged_rev_reg_delta: Merged revocation registry delta
/// #Errors
/// Annoncreds*
/// Common*
/// Wallet*
pub extern fn indy_issuer_merge_revocation_registry_deltas(command_handle: i32,
                                                           rev_reg_delta_json: *const c_char,
                                                           other_rev_reg_delta_json: *const c_char,
                                                           cb: Option<extern fn(xcommand_handle: i32, err: ErrorCode,
                                                                                merged_rev_reg_delta: *const c_char)>) -> ErrorCode


/// Creates a master secret with a given id and stores it in the wallet.
/// The id must be unique.
/// #Params
/// wallet_handle: wallet handler (created by open_wallet).
/// command_handle: command handle to map callback to user context.
/// master_secret_id: (optional, if not present random one will be generated) new master id
/// #Returns
/// out_master_secret_id: Id of generated master secret
/// #Errors
/// Annoncreds*
/// Common*
/// Wallet*
pub extern fn indy_prover_create_master_secret(command_handle: i32,
                                               wallet_handle: i32,
                                               master_secret_id: *const c_char,
                                               cb: Option<extern fn(xcommand_handle: i32, err: ErrorCode,
                                                                    out_master_secret_id: *const c_char)>) -> ErrorCode
/// Creates a credential request for the given credential offer.
/// The method creates a blinded master secret for a master secret identified by a provided name.
/// The master secret identified by the name must be already stored in the secure wallet (see prover_create_master_secret)
/// The blinded master secret is a part of the credential request.
/// #Params
/// command_handle: command handle to map callback to user context
/// wallet_handle: wallet handler (created by open_wallet)
/// prover_did: a DID of the prover
/// cred_offer_json: credential offer as a json containing information about the issuer and a credential
/// cred_def_json: credential definition json related to <cred_def_id> in <cred_offer_json> 
/// master_secret_id: the id of the master secret stored in the wallet
/// cb: Callback that takes command result as parameter.
/// #Returns
/// cred_req_json: Credential request json for creation of credential by Issuer
///     {
///      "prover_did" : string,
///      "cred_def_id" : string,
///         // Fields below can depend on Cred Def type
///      "blinded_ms" : <blinded_master_secret>,
///      "blinded_ms_correctness_proof" : <blinded_ms_correctness_proof>,
///      "nonce": string
///    }
/// cred_req_metadata_json: Credential request metadata json for further processing of received form Issuer credential.
/// #Errors
/// Annoncreds*
/// Common*
/// Wallet*
pub extern fn indy_prover_create_credential_req(command_handle: i32,
                                                wallet_handle: i32,
                                                prover_did: *const c_char,
                                                cred_offer_json: *const c_char,
                                                cred_def_json: *const c_char,
                                                master_secret_id: *const c_char,
                                                cb: Option<extern fn(xcommand_handle: i32, err: ErrorCode,
                                                                     cred_req_json: *const c_char)>) -> ErrorCode
/// Check credential provided by Issuer for the given credential request,
/// updates the credential by a master secret and stores in a secure wallet.
/// To support efficient and flexible search the following tags will be created for stored credential:
///     {
///         "schema_id": <credential schema id>,
///         "schema_issuer_did": <credential schema issuer did>,
///         "schema_name": <credential schema name>,
///         "schema_version": <credential schema version>,
///         "issuer_did": <credential issuer did>,
///         "cred_def_id": <credential definition id>,
///         "rev_reg_id": <credential revocation registry id>, // "None" as string if not present
///         // for every attribute in <credential values>
///         "attr::<attribute name>::marker": "1",
///         "attr::<attribute name>::value": <attribute raw value>,
///     }
/// #Params
/// command_handle: command handle to map callback to user context.
/// wallet_handle: wallet handler (created by open_wallet).
/// cred_id: (optional, default is a random one) identifier by which credential will be stored in the wallet
/// cred_req_metadata_json: a credential request metadata created by indy_prover_create_credential_req
/// cred_json: credential json received from issuer
/// cred_def_json: credential definition json related to <cred_def_id> in <cred_json>
/// rev_reg_def_json: revocation registry definition json related to <rev_reg_def_id> in <cred_json>
/// cb: Callback that takes command result as parameter.
/// #Returns
/// out_cred_id: identifier by which credential is stored in the wallet
/// #Errors
/// Annoncreds*
/// Common*
/// Wallet*
pub extern fn indy_prover_store_credential(command_handle: i32,
                                           wallet_handle: i32,
                                           cred_id: *const c_char,
                                           cred_req_metadata_json: *const c_char,
                                           cred_json: *const c_char,
                                           cred_def_json: *const c_char,
                                           rev_reg_def_json: *const c_char,
                                           cb: Option<extern fn(xcommand_handle: i32, err: ErrorCode,
                                                                out_cred_id: *const c_char)>) -> ErrorCode
/// Gets human readable credential by the given id.
/// #Params
/// wallet_handle: wallet handler (created by open_wallet).
/// cred_id: Identifier by which requested credential is stored in the wallet
/// cb: Callback that takes command result as parameter.
/// #Returns
/// credential json:
///     {
///         "referent": string, // cred_id in the wallet
///         "attrs": {"key1":"raw_value1", "key2":"raw_value2"},
///         "schema_id": string,
///         "cred_def_id": string,
///         "rev_reg_id": Optional<string>,
///         "cred_rev_id": Optional<string>
///     }
/// #Errors
/// Annoncreds*
/// Common*
/// Wallet*
pub extern fn indy_prover_get_credential(command_handle: i32,
                                         wallet_handle: i32,
                                         cred_id: *const c_char,
                                         cb: Option<extern fn(
                                             xcommand_handle: i32, err: ErrorCode,
                                             credential_json: *const c_char)>) -> ErrorCode
/// Gets human readable credentials according to the filter.
/// If filter is NULL, then all credentials are returned.
/// Credentials can be filtered by Issuer, credential_def and/or Schema.
/// NOTE: This method is deprecated because immediately returns all fetched credentials.
/// Use <indy_prover_search_credentials> to fetch records by small batches.
/// #Params
/// wallet_handle: wallet handler (created by open_wallet).
/// filter_json: filter for credentials
///        {
///            "schema_id": string, (Optional)
///            "schema_issuer_did": string, (Optional)
///            "schema_name": string, (Optional)
///            "schema_version": string, (Optional)
///            "issuer_did": string, (Optional)
///            "cred_def_id": string, (Optional)
///        }
/// cb: Callback that takes command result as parameter.
/// #Returns
/// credentials json
///     [{
///         "referent": string, // cred_id in the wallet
///         "attrs": {"key1":"raw_value1", "key2":"raw_value2"},
///         "schema_id": string,
///         "cred_def_id": string,
///         "rev_reg_id": Optional<string>,
///         "cred_rev_id": Optional<string>
///     }]
/// #Errors
/// Annoncreds*
/// Common*
/// Wallet*
pub extern fn indy_prover_get_credentials(command_handle: i32,
                                          wallet_handle: i32,
                                          filter_json: *const c_char,
                                          cb: Option<extern fn(
                                              xcommand_handle: i32, err: ErrorCode,
                                              matched_credentials_json: *const c_char)>) -> ErrorCode
/// Search for credentials stored in wallet.
/// Credentials can be filtered by tags created during saving of credential.
/// Instead of immediately returning of fetched credentials
/// this call returns search_handle that can be used later
/// to fetch records by small batches (with indy_prover_fetch_credentials).
/// #Params
/// wallet_handle: wallet handler (created by open_wallet).
/// query_json: Wql style filter for credentials searching based on tags.
///     where wql query: indy-sdk/docs/design/011-wallet-query-language/
/// cb: Callback that takes command result as parameter.
/// #Returns
/// search_handle: Search handle that can be used later to fetch records by small batches (with indy_prover_fetch_credentials)
/// total_count: Total count of records
/// #Errors
/// Annoncreds*
/// Common*
/// Wallet*
pub extern fn indy_prover_search_credentials(command_handle: i32,
                                             wallet_handle: i32,
                                             query_json: *const c_char,
                                             cb: Option<extern fn(
                                                 xcommand_handle: i32, err: ErrorCode,
                                                 search_handle: i32,
                                                 total_count: usize)>) -> ErrorCode
/// Fetch next credentials for search.
/// #Params
/// search_handle: Search handle (created by indy_prover_search_credentials) 
/// count: Count of credentials to fetch
/// cb: Callback that takes command result as parameter.
/// #Returns
/// credentials_json: List of human readable credentials:
///     [{
///         "referent": string, // cred_id in the wallet
///         "attrs": {"key1":"raw_value1", "key2":"raw_value2"},
///         "schema_id": string,
///         "cred_def_id": string,
///         "rev_reg_id": Optional<string>,
///         "cred_rev_id": Optional<string>
///     }]
/// NOTE: The list of length less than the requested count means credentials search iterator is completed.
/// #Errors
/// Annoncreds*
/// Common*
/// Wallet*
pub  extern fn indy_prover_fetch_credentials(command_handle: i32,
                                             search_handle: i32,
                                             count: usize,
                                             cb: Option<extern fn(command_handle_: i32, err: ErrorCode,
                                                                  credentials_json: *const c_char)>) -> ErrorCode

/// Close credentials search (make search handle invalid)
/// #Params
/// search_handle: Search handle (created by indy_prover_search_credentials)
/// #Errors
/// Annoncreds*
/// Common*
/// Wallet*
pub  extern fn indy_prover_close_credentials_search(command_handle: i32,
                                                    search_handle: i32,
                                                    cb: Option<extern fn(command_handle_: i32, err: ErrorCode)>) -> ErrorCode                                                 
/// Gets human readable credentials matching the given proof request.
/// NOTE: This method is deprecated because immediately returns all fetched credentials.
/// Use <indy_prover_search_credentials_for_proof_req> to fetch records by small batches.
/// #Params
/// wallet_handle: wallet handler (created by open_wallet).
/// proof_request_json: proof request json
///     {
///         "name": string,
///         "version": string,
///         "nonce": string,
///         "requested_attributes": { // set of requested attributes
///              "<attr_referent>": <attr_info>, // see below
///              ...,
///         },
///         "requested_predicates": { // set of requested predicates
///              "<predicate_referent>": <predicate_info>, // see below
///              ...,
///          },
///         "non_revoked": Optional<<non_revoc_interval>>, // see below,
///                        // If specified prover must proof non-revocation
///                        // for date in this interval for each attribute
///                        // (can be overridden on attribute level)
///     }
/// cb: Callback that takes command result as parameter.
/// where
/// attr_referent: Proof-request local identifier of requested attribute
/// attr_info: Describes requested attribute
///     {
///         "name": string, // attribute name, (case insensitive and ignore spaces)
///         "restrictions": Optional<filter_json>, // see above
///         "non_revoked": Optional<<non_revoc_interval>>, // see below,
///                        // If specified prover must proof non-revocation
///                        // for date in this interval this attribute
///                        // (overrides proof level interval)
///     }
/// predicate_referent: Proof-request local identifier of requested attribute predicate
/// predicate_info: Describes requested attribute predicate
///     {
///         "name": attribute name, (case insensitive and ignore spaces)
///         "p_type": predicate type (Currently ">=" only)
///         "p_value": int predicate value
///         "restrictions": Optional<filter_json>, // see above
///         "non_revoked": Optional<<non_revoc_interval>>, // see below,
///                        // If specified prover must proof non-revocation
///                        // for date in this interval this attribute
///                        // (overrides proof level interval)
///     }
/// non_revoc_interval: Defines non-revocation interval
///     {
///         "from": Optional<int>, // timestamp of interval beginning
///         "to": Optional<int>, // timestamp of interval ending
///     }
/// #Returns
/// credentials_json: json with credentials for the given proof request.
///     {
///         "requested_attrs": {
///             "<attr_referent>": [{ cred_info: <credential_info>, interval: Optional<non_revoc_interval> }],
///             ...,
///         },
///         "requested_predicates": {
///             "requested_predicates": [{ cred_info: <credential_info>, timestamp: Optional<integer> }, { cred_info: <credential_2_info>, timestamp: Optional<integer> }],
///             "requested_predicate_2_referent": [{ cred_info: <credential_2_info>, timestamp: Optional<integer> }]
///         }
///     }, where credential is
///     {
///         "referent": <string>,
///         "attrs": {"attr_name" : "attr_raw_value"},
///         "schema_id": string,
///         "cred_def_id": string,
///         "rev_reg_id": Optional<int>,
///         "cred_rev_id": Optional<int>,
///     }
/// #Errors
/// Annoncreds*
/// Common*
/// Wallet*
pub extern fn indy_prover_get_credentials_for_proof_req(command_handle: i32,
                                                        wallet_handle: i32,
                                                        proof_request_json: *const c_char,
                                                        cb: Option<extern fn(
                                                            xcommand_handle: i32, err: ErrorCode,
                                                            credentials_json: *const c_char)>) -> ErrorCode
/// Search for credentials matching the given proof request.
/// Instead of immediately returning of fetched credentials
/// this call returns search_handle that can be used later
/// to fetch records by small batches (with indy_prover_fetch_credentials_for_proof_req).
/// #Params
/// wallet_handle: wallet handler (created by open_wallet).
/// proof_request_json: proof request json
///     {
///         "name": string,
///         "version": string,
///         "nonce": string,
///         "requested_attributes": { // set of requested attributes
///              "<attr_referent>": <attr_info>, // see below
///              ...,
///         },
///         "requested_predicates": { // set of requested predicates
///              "<predicate_referent>": <predicate_info>, // see below
///              ...,
///          },
///         "non_revoked": Optional<<non_revoc_interval>>, // see below,
///                        // If specified prover must proof non-revocation
///                        // for date in this interval for each attribute
///                        // (can be overridden on attribute level)
///     }
/// extra_query_json:(Optional) List of extra queries that will be applied to correspondent attribute/predicate:
///     {
///         "<attr_referent>": <wql query>,
///         "<predicate_referent>": <wql query>,
///     }
/// where wql query: indy-sdk/docs/design/011-wallet-query-language/
/// cb: Callback that takes command result as parameter.
/// #Returns
/// search_handle: Search handle that can be used later to fetch records by small batches (with indy_prover_fetch_credentials_for_proof_req)
/// #Errors
/// Annoncreds*
/// Common*
/// Wallet*
pub extern fn indy_prover_search_credentials_for_proof_req(command_handle: i32,
                                                           wallet_handle: i32,
                                                           proof_request_json: *const c_char,
                                                           extra_query_json: *const c_char,
                                                           cb: Option<extern fn(
                                                               xcommand_handle: i32, err: ErrorCode,
                                                               search_handle: i32)>) -> ErrorCode

/// Fetch next credentials for the requested item using proof request search 
/// handle (created by indy_prover_search_credentials_for_proof_req).
/// #Params
/// search_handle: Search handle (created by indy_prover_search_credentials_for_proof_req)
/// item_referent: Referent of attribute/predicate in the proof request
/// count: Count of credentials to fetch
/// cb: Callback that takes command result as parameter.
/// #Returns
/// credentials_json: List of credentials for the given proof request.
///     [{
///         cred_info: <credential_info>,
///         interval: Optional<non_revoc_interval>
///     }]
/// where 
/// credential_info:
///     {
///         "referent": <string>,
///         "attrs": {"attr_name" : "attr_raw_value"},
///         "schema_id": string,
///         "cred_def_id": string,
///         "rev_reg_id": Optional<int>,
///         "cred_rev_id": Optional<int>,
///     }
/// non_revoc_interval:
///     {
///         "from": Optional<int>, // timestamp of interval beginning
///         "to": Optional<int>, // timestamp of interval ending
///     }
/// NOTE: The list of length less than the requested count means that search iterator
/// correspondent to the requested <item_referent> is completed.
/// #Errors
/// Annoncreds*
/// Common*
/// Wallet*
pub  extern fn indy_prover_fetch_credentials_for_proof_req(command_handle: i32,
                                                           search_handle: i32,
                                                           item_referent: *const c_char,
                                                           count: usize,
                                                           cb: Option<extern fn(command_handle_: i32, err: ErrorCode,
                                                                                    credentials_json: *const c_char)>) -> ErrorCode

/// Close credentials search for proof request (make search handle invalid)
/// #Params
/// search_handle: Search handle (created by indy_prover_search_credentials_for_proof_req)
/// #Errors
/// Annoncreds*
/// Common*
/// Wallet*
pub  extern fn indy_prover_close_credentials_search_for_proof_req(command_handle: i32,
                                                                  search_handle: i32,
                                                                  cb: Option<extern fn(command_handle_: i32, err: ErrorCode)>) -> ErrorCode                                                                                    
/// Creates a proof according to the given proof request
/// Either a corresponding credential with optionally revealed attributes or self-attested attribute must be provided
/// for each requested attribute (see indy_prover_get_credentials_for_pool_req).
/// A proof request may request multiple credentials from different schemas and different issuers.
/// All required schemas, public keys and revocation registries must be provided.
/// The proof request also contains nonce.
/// The proof contains either proof or self-attested attribute value for each requested attribute.
/// #Params
/// wallet_handle: wallet handler (created by open_wallet).
/// command_handle: command handle to map callback to user context.
/// proof_request_json: proof request json
///     {
///         "name": string,
///         "version": string,
///         "nonce": string,
///         "requested_attributes": { // set of requested attributes
///              "<attr_referent>": <attr_info>, // see below
///              ...,
///         },
///         "requested_predicates": { // set of requested predicates
///              "<predicate_referent>": <predicate_info>, // see below
///              ...,
///          },
///         "non_revoked": Optional<<non_revoc_interval>>, // see below,
///                        // If specified prover must proof non-revocation
///                        // for date in this interval for each attribute
///                        // (can be overridden on attribute level)
///     }
/// requested_credentials_json: either a credential or self-attested attribute for each requested attribute
///     {
///         "self_attested_attributes": {
///             "self_attested_attribute_referent": string
///         },
///         "requested_attributes": {
///             "requested_attribute_referent_1": {"cred_id": string, "timestamp": Optional<number>, revealed: <bool> }},
///             "requested_attribute_referent_2": {"cred_id": string, "timestamp": Optional<number>, revealed: <bool> }}
///         },
///         "requested_predicates": {
///             "requested_predicates_referent_1": {"cred_id": string, "timestamp": Optional<number> }},
///         }
///     }
/// master_secret_id: the id of the master secret stored in the wallet
/// schemas_json: all schemas json participating in the proof request
///     {
///         <schema1_id>: <schema1_json>,
///         <schema2_id>: <schema2_json>,
///         <schema3_id>: <schema3_json>,
///     }
/// credential_defs_json: all credential definitions json participating in the proof request
///     {
///         "cred_def1_id": <credential_def1_json>,
///         "cred_def2_id": <credential_def2_json>,
///         "cred_def3_id": <credential_def3_json>,
///     }
/// rev_states_json: all revocation states json participating in the proof request
///     {
///         "rev_reg_def1_id": {
///             "timestamp1": <rev_state1>,
///             "timestamp2": <rev_state2>,
///         },
///         "rev_reg_def2_id": {
///             "timestamp3": <rev_state3>
///         },
///         "rev_reg_def3_id": {
///             "timestamp4": <rev_state4>
///         },
///     }
/// cb: Callback that takes command result as parameter.
/// where
/// wql query: indy-sdk/docs/design/011-wallet-query-language/
/// attr_referent: Proof-request local identifier of requested attribute
/// attr_info: Describes requested attribute
///     {
///         "name": string, // attribute name, (case insensitive and ignore spaces)
///         "restrictions": Optional<filter_json> // see above.
///         "non_revoked": Optional<<non_revoc_interval>>, // see below,
///                        // If specified prover must proof non-revocation
///                        // for date in this interval this attribute
///                        // (overrides proof level interval)
///     }
/// predicate_referent: Proof-request local identifier of requested attribute predicate
/// predicate_info: Describes requested attribute predicate
///     {
///         "name": attribute name, (case insensitive and ignore spaces)
///         "p_type": predicate type (Currently >= only)
///         "p_value": predicate value
///         "restrictions": Optional<wql query>,
///         "non_revoked": Optional<<non_revoc_interval>>, // see below,
///                        // If specified prover must proof non-revocation
///                        // for date in this interval this attribute
///                        // (overrides proof level interval)
///     }
/// non_revoc_interval: Defines non-revocation interval
///     {
///         "from": Optional<int>, // timestamp of interval beginning
///         "to": Optional<int>, // timestamp of interval ending
///     }
/// #Returns
/// Proof json
/// For each requested attribute either a proof (with optionally revealed attribute value) or
/// self-attested attribute value is provided.
/// Each proof is associated with a credential and corresponding schema_id, cred_def_id, rev_reg_id and timestamp.
/// There is also aggregated proof part common for all credential proofs.
///     {
///         "requested": {
///             "revealed_attrs": {
///                 "requested_attr1_id": {sub_proof_index: number, raw: string, encoded: string},
///                 "requested_attr4_id": {sub_proof_index: number: string, encoded: string},
///             },
///             "unrevealed_attrs": {
///                 "requested_attr3_id": {sub_proof_index: number}
///             },
///             "self_attested_attrs": {
///                 "requested_attr2_id": self_attested_value,
///             },
///             "requested_predicates": {
///                 "requested_predicate_1_referent": {sub_proof_index: int},
///                 "requested_predicate_2_referent": {sub_proof_index: int},
///             }
///         }
///         "proof": {
///             "proofs": [ <credential_proof>, <credential_proof>, <credential_proof> ],
///             "aggregated_proof": <aggregated_proof>
///         }
///         "identifiers": [{schema_id, cred_def_id, Optional<rev_reg_id>, Optional<timestamp>}]
///     }
/// #Errors
/// Annoncreds*
/// Common*
/// Wallet*
pub extern fn indy_prover_create_proof(command_handle: i32,
                                       wallet_handle: i32,
                                       proof_req_json: *const c_char,
                                       requested_credentials_json: *const c_char,
                                       master_secret_id: *const c_char,
                                       schemas_json: *const c_char,
                                       credential_defs_json: *const c_char,
                                       rev_states_json: *const c_char,
                                       cb: Option<extern fn(xcommand_handle: i32, err: ErrorCode,
                                                            proof_json: *const c_char)>) -> ErrorCode
/// Verifies a proof (of multiple credential).
/// All required schemas, public keys and revocation registries must be provided.
/// #Params
/// wallet_handle: wallet handler (created by open_wallet).
/// command_handle: command handle to map callback to user context.
/// proof_request_json: proof request json
///     {
///         "name": string,
///         "version": string,
///         "nonce": string,
///         "requested_attributes": { // set of requested attributes
///              "<attr_referent>": <attr_info>, // see below
///              ...,
///         },
///         "requested_predicates": { // set of requested predicates
///              "<predicate_referent>": <predicate_info>, // see below
///              ...,
///          },
///         "non_revoked": Optional<<non_revoc_interval>>, // see below,
///                        // If specified prover must proof non-revocation
///                        // for date in this interval for each attribute
///                        // (can be overridden on attribute level)
///     }
/// proof_json: created for request proof json
///     {
///         "requested": {
///             "revealed_attrs": {
///                 "requested_attr1_id": {sub_proof_index: number, raw: string, encoded: string},
///                 "requested_attr4_id": {sub_proof_index: number: string, encoded: string},
///             },
///             "unrevealed_attrs": {
///                 "requested_attr3_id": {sub_proof_index: number}
///             },
///             "self_attested_attrs": {
///                 "requested_attr2_id": self_attested_value,
///             },
///             "requested_predicates": {
///                 "requested_predicate_1_referent": {sub_proof_index: int},
///                 "requested_predicate_2_referent": {sub_proof_index: int},
///             }
///         }
///         "proof": {
///             "proofs": [ <credential_proof>, <credential_proof>, <credential_proof> ],
///             "aggregated_proof": <aggregated_proof>
///         }
///         "identifiers": [{schema_id, cred_def_id, Optional<rev_reg_id>, Optional<timestamp>}]
///     }
/// schemas_json: all schema jsons participating in the proof
///     {
///         <schema1_id>: <schema1_json>,
///         <schema2_id>: <schema2_json>,
///         <schema3_id>: <schema3_json>,
///     }
/// credential_defs_json: all credential definitions json participating in the proof
///     {
///         "cred_def1_id": <credential_def1_json>,
///         "cred_def2_id": <credential_def2_json>,
///         "cred_def3_id": <credential_def3_json>,
///     }
/// rev_reg_defs_json: all revocation registry definitions json participating in the proof
///     {
///         "rev_reg_def1_id": <rev_reg_def1_json>,
///         "rev_reg_def2_id": <rev_reg_def2_json>,
///         "rev_reg_def3_id": <rev_reg_def3_json>,
///     }
/// rev_regs_json: all revocation registries json participating in the proof
///     {
///         "rev_reg_def1_id": {
///             "timestamp1": <rev_reg1>,
///             "timestamp2": <rev_reg2>,
///         },
///         "rev_reg_def2_id": {
///             "timestamp3": <rev_reg3>
///         },
///         "rev_reg_def3_id": {
///             "timestamp4": <rev_reg4>
///         },
///     }
/// cb: Callback that takes command result as parameter.
/// #Returns
/// valid: true - if signature is valid, false - otherwise
/// #Errors
/// Annoncreds*
/// Common*
/// Wallet*
pub extern fn indy_verifier_verify_proof(command_handle: i32,
                                         proof_request_json: *const c_char,
                                         proof_json: *const c_char,
                                         schemas_json: *const c_char,
                                         credential_defs_json: *const c_char,
                                         rev_reg_defs_json: *const c_char,
                                         rev_regs_json: *const c_char,
                                         cb: Option<extern fn(xcommand_handle: i32, err: ErrorCode,
                                                              valid: bool)>) -> ErrorCode
/// Create revocation state for a credential in the particular time moment.
/// #Params
/// command_handle: command handle to map callback to user context
/// blob_storage_reader_handle: configuration of blob storage reader handle that will allow to read revocation tails
/// rev_reg_def_json: revocation registry definition json
/// rev_reg_delta_json: revocation registry definition delta json
/// timestamp: time represented as a total number of seconds from Unix Epoch
/// cred_rev_id: user credential revocation id in revocation registry
/// cb: Callback that takes command result as parameter
/// #Returns
/// revocation state json:
///     {
///         "rev_reg": <revocation registry>,
///         "witness": <witness>,
///         "timestamp" : integer
///     }
/// #Errors
/// Common*
/// Wallet*
/// Anoncreds*
pub extern fn indy_create_revocation_state(command_handle: i32,
                                           blob_storage_reader_handle: i32,
                                           rev_reg_def_json: *const c_char,
                                           rev_reg_delta_json: *const c_char,
                                           timestamp: u64,
                                           cred_rev_id: *const c_char,
                                           cb: Option<extern fn(
                                               xcommand_handle: i32, err: ErrorCode,
                                               rev_state_json: *const c_char
                                           )>) -> ErrorCode
/// Create new revocation state for a credential based on existed state
/// at the particular time moment (to reduce calculation time).
/// #Params
/// command_handle: command handle to map callback to user context
/// blob_storage_reader_handle: configuration of blob storage reader handle that will allow to read revocation tails
/// rev_state_json: revocation registry state json
/// rev_reg_def_json: revocation registry definition json
/// rev_reg_delta_json: revocation registry definition delta json
/// timestamp: time represented as a total number of seconds from Unix Epoch
/// cred_rev_id: user credential revocation id in revocation registry
/// cb: Callback that takes command result as parameter
/// #Returns
/// revocation state json:
///     {
///         "rev_reg": <revocation registry>,
///         "witness": <witness>,
///         "timestamp" : integer
///     }
/// #Errors
/// Common*
/// Wallet*
/// Anoncreds*
pub extern fn indy_update_revocation_state(command_handle: i32,
                                           blob_storage_reader_handle: i32,
                                           rev_state_json: *const c_char,
                                           rev_reg_def_json: *const c_char,
                                           rev_reg_delta_json: *const c_char,
                                           timestamp: u64,
                                           cred_rev_id: *const c_char,
                                           cb: Option<extern fn(
                                               xcommand_handle: i32, err: ErrorCode,
                                               updated_rev_state_json: *const c_char
                                           )>) -> ErrorCode

Blob Storage

CL revocation schema introduces Revocation Tails entity used to hide information about revoked credential in public Revocation Registry. Tails

  • are static (once generated) array of BigIntegers that can be represented as binary blob or file
  • may require quite huge amount of data (up to 1GB per Revocation Registry);
  • are created and shared by Issuers;
  • are required (so must be available for download) for both Provers and Issuers;
  • can be cached and can be downloaded only once;
  • Some operation (incremental witness updates) can require reading only small part of blob file. It can be more efficient to store complete tails blob in the cloud and ask for small parts through network.

As result the way how to access tails blobs can be very application specific. To address this SDK will provide the following:

  • API for registering custom handler for blobs reading
  • API for registering custom handler for blobs writing
  • API for blob consistency validation
  • Default handlers implementation that will allow to read blobs from local file and write blobs to local file.

Tails publishing and access workflow can be integrated with Indy Node in the following way:

  • Issuer generates tails and writes tails blob to local file (with default handler). Our API will also provide blob hash to him and generate URI based on configurable URI pattern.
  • Issuer uploads blob to some CDN with corresponded URI (out of SDK scope)
  • Issuer sends REVOC_REG_DEF transaction with and publishes tails URI and hash
  • Prover sends GET_REVOC_REG_DEF requests and receives tails URI and hash
  • Prover downloads published tails file and stores it locally (Out of SDK)