ZeroMQ features¶
ZeroMQ has several unclear features that affect consumer application. This doc describes known features/issues/limitations of ZeroMQ that were found during our testing and observation.
NOTE: all following info is valid for the server side when ZMQ_ROUTER socket type is used.
There are no ZeroMQ API calls to stop accepting new connections¶
It means that there is no ability to limit the number of clients connections using ZeroMQ API. External firewall is needed to implement such limits.
There is no ability to track and drop clients connections using ZeroMQ API¶
To protect the server side from file descriptors exhaustion it is needed to have the ability to track clients connections and drop those of them that are kept for a long time. However when using ZMQ_ROUTER socket type there is no access to particular connection.
We even created a ticket regarding this issue:
Guys from ZeroMQ said that external firewall is needed to implement required functionality.
Despite ZeroMQ encapsulates all work with clients connection sockets we can retrieve a new connection socket file descriptor from CONNECTED event reported by ZeroMQ monitor socket. So that we can close this file descriptor using an ordinary close() system call after certain time from the CONNECTED event.
But the problem here is that ZeroMQ does not expect that its controlled sockets may be closed externally. Internally ZeroMQ is the epoll-based network library and closing of sockets does not trigger any epoll events. So this invalid descriptor continues to be kept in ZeroMQ’s epoll and DISCONNECTED event is not triggered. This leads to ZeroMQ crash with “Bad file descriptor” error during ZeroMQ finalizing. Moreover, seems like newly open socket with the same file descriptor number leads to mess in inner ZeroMQ structures associated with externally closed file descriptor as they were not finalized.
More info here:
ZeroMQ creates a separate queue for each client connection¶
And also these inner queues are not cleaned if corresponding connection socket has been closed from the client side (for example by time out), such queue is kept in memory until the last packet is read.
ZeroMQ handles all inner queues associated with clients connections in Round-Robin manner¶
ZeroMQ reads from these queues in a Round-Robin manner when recv() for listener is called, so these queues may be kept in memory for a long time in case of big number of connections (note our receive quotas for client stack).
You can not monitor ZeroMQ inner queues for incoming/outgoing messages¶
You can not:
get the current/max length of the queue
get the min/avg/max time that messages are kept in the queue
get the number of drops from the queue (details in ZMQ_HWM section below)
Just weird!
Do not rely on ZeroMQ high watermark¶
From the official ZeroMQ doc:
The high water mark is a hard limit on the maximum number of outstanding messages ØMQ shall queue in memory for any single peer that the specified socket is communicating with.
If this limit has been reached the socket shall enter an exceptional state and depending on the socket type, ØMQ shall take appropriate action such as blocking or dropping sent messages.
But setting the high watermark to N for the listener socket does not guarantee that the server will receive N messages from the client and no more even if received messages are not read from the queue. Despite the official doc tells that for ZMQ_ROUTER socket type the ZMQ_HWM option action is drop, it is proven by our tests that actually messages are not dropped.
There is corresponding issue on github, and there is an answer by the member of ZMQ project which tells that “HWM in zmq is pretty complicated, and can’t really be used to control flow in a fine-grained way.”:
Seems like its behaviour depends on messages sizes, but anyway it is not a strict limit you can rely on.