Pool Upgrade Guideline

There is quite interesting and automated process of the pool (network) upgrade.

  • The whole pool (that is each node in the pool) can be upgraded automatically without any manual actions via POOL_UPGRADE transaction.

  • As a result of Upgrade, each Node will be at the specified version, that is a new package, for example deb package, will be installed.

  • Migration scripts can also be performed during Upgrade to deal with breaking changes between the versions.

Pool Upgrade Transaction

  • Pool Upgrade is done via POOL_UPGRADE transaction.

  • The txn defines a schedule of Upgrade (upgrade time) for each node in the pool.

  • Only the TRUSTEE can send POOL_UPGRADE.

  • This is a common transaction (written to config ledger), so consensus is required.

  • There are two main modes for POOL_UPGRADE: forced and non-forced (default).

    • Non-forced mode schedules upgrade only after POOL_UPGRADE transaction is written to the ledger, that is there was consensus. Forced upgrade schedules upgrade for each node regardless of whether POOL_UPGRADE transaction is actually written to the ledger, that is it can be scheduled even if the pool lost consensus.

    • Non-forced mode requires that upgrade of each node is done sequentially and not at the same time (so that a pool is still working and can reach consensus during upgrade). Forced upgrade allows upgrade of the whole pool at the same time.

  • One should usually use non-forced Upgrades assuming that all changes are backward-compatible.

  • If there are non-backward-compatible (breaking) changes, then one needs to use forced Upgrade and make it happen at the same time on all nodes (see below).

Node Upgrade Transaction

  • Each node sends NODE_UPGRADE transaction twice:

    • in_progress action: just before start of the Upgrade (that is re-starting the node and applying a new package) to log that Upgrade started on the node.

    • success or fail action: after upgrade of the node to log the upgrade result.

  • NODE_UPGRADE transaction is a common transaction (written to config ledger), so consensus is required.

Node Control Tool

  • Upgrade is performed by a node-control-tool.

  • See node_control_tool.py.

  • On Ubuntu it’s installed as a systemd service (indy-node-control) in addition to the node service (indy-node).

  • indy-node-control is executed from the root user.

  • When upgrade time for the node comes, it sends a message to node-control-tool.

  • The node-control-tool then does the following:

    • stops indy-node service;

    • upgrades indy-node package (apt-get install on Ubuntu);

    • back-ups node data (ledger, etc.);

    • runs migration scripts (see migration_tool.py);

    • starts indy-node service;

    • restarts indy-node-control service.

  • If upgrade failed for some reasons, node-control-tool tries to restore the data (ledger) from back-up and revert to the version of the code before upgrade.


  • Although we must try keeping backward-compatibility between the versions, it may be possible that there are some (for example, changes in ledger and state data format, re-branding, etc.).

  • We can write migration scripts to support this kind of breaking changes and perform necessary steps for data migration and/or running some scripts.

  • The migration should go to data/migration folder under the package name (so this is data/migration/deb on Ubuntu).

  • Please have a look at the following doc for more information about how to write migration scripts.

When to Run Forced Upgrades

  • Any changes in Ledger transactions format leading to changes in transactions root hash.

  • Any changes in State transactions format (for example new fields added to State values) requiring re-creation of the state from the ledger.

  • Any changes in Requests/Replies/Messages without compatibility and versioning support.